AGM Proxy


Annual General Meeting 27 November 2024

Dear Homeowner,

Please take note that the next Annual General Meeting of the Atlantic Beach Homeowners Association NPC is scheduled for Wednesday, 27 November 2024 at 18h00.

Registered Homeowner(s) Proxies

It is imperative that we have the required number of Members present at the Annual General Meeting in person or by proxy, in order to attain the required quorum to conclude the meeting.   Should you therefore not be able to attend the AGM, please complete the attached proxy form by nominating a fellow Member of the Association, or alternatively one of the Directors, by name.

Should you have any queries relating to the completion of the form, kindly contact TJ Monk at the Pam Golding Property Management Services office ( / 021 426 4440) or Mariska Nortje at the Estate Office ( / 021 553 0590) for assistance.

Proxy Form

    I/We of
    being a Member(s) of Atlantic Beach Home Owners’ Association hereby appoint
    or failing such of
    or failing such of

    As my proxy to vote for me and on my behalf at the AGM of the Atlantic Beach Homeowners Association NPC on 27 November 2024 and at any adjournment thereof.

    Signed this day of 2024


    Please note the following below before submitting:
    1. A Member entitled to attend and vote is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend, vote and speak and on a poll vote in such person’s stead. Such proxy can be any individual, including an individual who is not a member of the Association. Where a Member is a corporate body, this proxy must be accompanied by an appropriate mandate or resolution
    2. A Member shall not be permitted to speak or vote at any meeting of the Association if the member is indebted to the Association for non-payment of levies or any other financial charges or has failed to discharge any legal obligations, unless such Member has made acceptable arrangements with the Board to settle the arrears or to discharge the obligations.
    3. When two or more persons are entitled to exercise one vote jointly, that vote shall be exercised only by one person (who may or may not be one of them) jointly appointed by them as their proxy.
    4. The instrument appointing a proxy and the power of attorney or other authority, if any, under which it is signed or a notarially certified copy of such power or authority shall be deposited at the Registered Office of the Association, No.2 Fairway Drive, Atlantic Beach Estate or emailed to Alternatively, it may be deposited at the Office of the Administrators of the Association, Pam Golding Property Management Services (Pty) Ltd, Ground floor, Mandela Rhodes Place, Cnr Wale & Burg streets, Cape Town or emailed to . No instrument appointing a proxy shall be valid after the expiration of one month from the date when it was signed, unless so specifically stated in the proxy itself and no proxy shall be used at an adjourned meeting which could not have been used at the original meeting.


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